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And I thought I loved you then….

Posted on Oct 20, 2012 by in all about me and my family | 0 comments


On October 18th, Marshall and I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary. I texted my friend, Juanna, that morning and curiously asked, “Are all of our future anniversaries going to be like this?” I was referring to the fact that I was writing “Happy Anniversary, Marshall” on a random piece of stationary that I found in my house, while my baby was screaming in the background, and I didn’t have a gift at all for Marshall. Juanna joked, “Anniversaries…what are those? It takes a little more planning once you have kids.” I agree. It’s important to live and love every day with a baby in your house, but at the same time, it’s just as important to have sweet time with your hubby.

So, that brings me to Marshall. Since work and life has been so crazy, we decided to celebrate our anniversary over the weekend. Marshall kept Zoë while I got to treat myself to a pedicure that Saturday afternoon and we were going to have a nice dinner together that night. On my way to the nail place, I found myself turning up the radio really loud (something you can’t really do with a baby in the car), and just singing my little heart out, at moments, not really paying any attention to the words. However, there was one song, which I have heard tons and tons of times in my life, that for some reason caught my attention today- a Brad Paisley song. If you want to make fun of me, please go ahead and do so now, because I promise the rest of this post is going to be even cheesier. Anyways…back to the song. He sang (and I, of course did too), “Now you’re my whole life, now you’re my whole world….And I thought I loved you then.” Although my words on that random piece of paper on our anniversary that morning probably didn’t say it the way I wanted to, it’s really hard to believe how much I loved Marshall then (over four years ago on a blind date in a pub sharing queso dip- something Marshall just doesn’t do with people he meets for the first time), and how much I love him now as the dad of our little girl. It’s amazing how love grows with you, your life, and your family. I couldn’t think of anyone better to share my life with.

So, take-out Antico pizza, canolis and beer, while our sick, sleeping baby is in the other room, happy anniversary. Marshall, love you mucho!

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